CryptoMiniSat 5.6.3 Released

The latest CryptoMiniSat, version 5.6.3 has been released. This release marks the 12’000th commit to this solver that has weathered more than I originally intended it to weather. It’s been an interesting ride, and I have a lot to thank Kuldeep and NSCC‘s ASPIRE-1 cluster for this release. I have burned over 200k CPU hours to make this release, so it’s a pretty well-performing release (out-performing anything out there, by a wide margin), though I’m working very hard to make sure that neither I nor anyone else will have to burn anything close to that to make a well-performing SAT solver.

The solver has some interesting new algorithms inside, the most interesting of which is Gauss-Jordan elimination using a Simplex-like method, generously contributed by Jie-Hong Roland Jiang and Cheng-Shen Han from the National Taiwan University. This addition should finally settle the issues regarding Gaussian vs Gauss-Jordan elimination in SAT solvers. Note that to use this novel system, you must configure with “cmake -DUSE_GAUSS=ON ..” and then re-compile.

What’s also interesting is what’s not inside, though. I have been reading (maybe too much) Nassim Taleb and he is very much into via negativa. So I tried removing algorithms that have been in the solver for a while and mostly nobody would question if they are useful. In the end I removed the following algorithms from running by default, each removal leading to better solving time:

  • Regular probing. Intree probing is significantly better, so regular probing is not needed. Thanks Matti/Marijn/Armin!
  • Stamping. This was a big surprise, especially because I also had to remove caching, which is my own, crappy (“different”) version of stamping. I knew that it wasn’t always so good to have, but damn. It was a hard call, but if it’s just slowing it down, what can I do. It’s weird.
  • Burst searching. This is when I search for a short period with high randomness all over the search space. I thought it would allow me to explore the search space in places where VSIDS/Maple doesn’t. Why this is slowing the solver down so much may say more about search heuristics/variable bumping/clause bumping than anything.
  • Note that I never had blocked clause elimination. It doesn’t work well for incremental solving. In fact, it doesn’t work at all, though apparently the authors have some new work that allows it to work, super-interesting!

I’m nowadays committed to understanding this damned thing rather than adding another impossible-to-explain magic constant  to make the solving 10% faster. I think there is interesting stuff out there that could be done to make SAT solvers 10x, not 10%, faster.

IT Security Differently

Compliance and regulations are one way to achieve IT security. If one looks at industries that have been around for a very long time, and have very high stakes, for example commercial airline travel, mining, oil&gas, etc., one can find compliance and regulations everywhere. It’s how safety is managed in these environments. I have always been fascinated with safety incidents and read a lot of reports around them — these are almost always free to read and very detailed, unlike IT security incident reports. See for example the now very famous Challenger Accident Report (“For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled.”) or the similarly famous, and more recent AF-447 accident report. These are fascinating reads and if you are willing to read between the lines, they all talk about systems issues — not a single person making a single mistake.
Continue reading IT Security Differently

Testing and pentesting, a road to effectiveness

I have been involved in computer security and security testing for a while and I think it’s time to talk about some aspects of it that get ignored, mostly for the worse. Let me just get this out of the way: security testing (or pentesting, if you like) and testing are very closely related.

The Testing Pyramid

What’s really good about security testing being so close to testing is that you can apply the standard, well-know and widely used techniques from testing to the relatively new field of security testing. First of all, this chart:

Continue reading Testing and pentesting, a road to effectiveness

Non-reproducible results with MapleCOMSPS

I’ve been reading through the source code of the 2016 SAT Competition Main Track winner, MapleCOMSPS_DRUP, and I found that it has an important piece of code, regulating its behaviour that depends on timing:

static bool switch_mode = false;
static void SIGALRM_switch(int signum) { switch_mode = true; }

lbool Solver::solve_()
    signal(SIGALRM, SIGALRM_switch);

Continue reading Non-reproducible results with MapleCOMSPS

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False

I read this paper about most research findings being false. Given that most research papers in SAT take a sample size that is incredibly small (especially considering that it’s cheap to have large sample sizes relative to, e.g. medical trials), and the samples are very often hand-picked, it’s easy to see why this could be the case. But that article lists a number of other factors, too, and they are interesting to consider as well. Only few true innovations stick around in SAT (glues, VSIDS, UIP, restarts, etc). Most are forgotten because, frankly, they didn’t show the promise they purported to have. It’d be interesting to force authors to e.g. run their systems on much larger sample sizes (e.g. 2-3000 instances from SAT competitions) with much longer timeouts (e.g. 5000s). Then those implementing SAT solvers wouldn’t have to wade through piles of articles to get to something worth implementing. One is allowed to dream.