Why CryptoMiniSat 3.3 doesn’t have XORs

I’ve had a number of inquiries about why CryptoMiniSat 3.3 doesn’t have native XOR clause support. Let me explain what I think the benefits and the drawbacks are of having native XOR support and why I made the choice of removing them.


The most trivial benefit is that users don’t have to translate XORs into plain CNF. Although transforming is rather easy, some prefer not to go through the hassle. The principle is to cut the XOR into smaller XORs by introducing new variables and then representing the cut-down XORs by banning all the wrong combinations. For example the the XOR x+y+z+w=0 is cut into two XORs x+y+r=0, z+w+r=0 and then x+y+r=0 is represented as x \vee y \vee r, x \vee \neg y \vee \neg r, \ldots.

A more substantial benefit is that propagation and conflict generation can be done natively. This is quite advantageous as it means that far less clauses and variables need to be visited while propagating and generating the UIP conflict. Less variables and clauses visited means less cache-misses and due to the more compact representation, less memory overhead and thus even better cache usage. (For the aficionados: an interesting side-effect of XORs is that blocked literals cannot be used for XOR clauses).

The biggest benefit of having native XORs is that Gaussian elimination can be carried out at every level of the search tree, not just at top-level. Although most people I have talked with still think that CryptoMiniSat 2 only performs Gaussian elimination only at top-level, this is not the case. Performing Gauss at top-level is a two-day hack. Performing it at every level took me about half a year to implement (and about 5K lines of code). It requires leaving traces of past computations and computing reasons for propagations and conflicts indicated by the Gaussian elimination algorithm. According to my highly unofficial count, exactly 2 people use Gaussian elimination at deeper than top-level, Vegard Nossum and Kuldeep S Meel. Out of these two users, only the latter have indicated speedups. It speeds up crypto problems, but not many others, so it’s completely disabled by default.


The main drawback of having native XOR clauses along normal CNF clauses is the loss of simplicity and universality. Let me explain in detail.

Loss of simplicity. Once a variable present in both a normal and an XOR clause, it cannot be eliminated in a simple way. I don’t even want to try to express the clauses that would result from doing varelim in such cases — it’s probably horribly convoluted. All algorithms in the code now need to check for XORs. On-the-fly clause strengthening cannot strengthen an XOR with a normal clause, of course. Clause cleaning has to take into account that when a 3-long XOR is shortened to a 2-long one, it indicates a new equivalent literal and that may lead to immediate UNSAT. I could go on, but the list is long.

Another problem is that XORs make the state more complex. Until now there were only clauses of the form a \vee \neg b \ldots, sometimes specially stored such as binary clauses. The state of the solver goes through many transformations — think of them as llvm passes — while it is in-processed and solved. The more complex the state, the larger and the more complex the code. While a simple clause-cleaning algorithm can be expressed in about 20 lines of code without implicit binary&tertiary clauses, the same algo blows up to about 100 lines of code with those optimizations. Once you add XOR clauses, it jumps to around double that. We just made our code 10x larger. Imagine adding native support for, e.g. at-most-n.

Loss of universality. If a variable is only XOR clauses, it can now be eliminated at the XOR level. A pure variable at the XOR level indicates an XOR clause that can be removed and later always satisfied. XOR subsumption is when an XOR subsumes the other: the larger can be removed and their XOR added in. All of these are implemented in CMS 2. Probably there are many others out there, though. We could try to implement them all, but this is a whole new universe that may open up the gates of hell. Worst of all, most of these techniques on XORs are probably already simulated by in-processing techniques at the CNF level. Pure XOR variables are simulated by blocked clause elimination. XOR-based variable elimination doesn’t make practical sense at the CNF level, but it could be simulated by normal variable elimination if ignoring heuristics. I could go on.

What CryptoMiniSat 3.3 does

The compromise I came up with for CryptoMiniSat 3.0 is that I regularly search for XOR clauses at the top-level, perform top-level Gaussian elimination, and add the resulting new information to the CNF. Binary and unitary XOR clauses are the simplest to add back.

In the SAT’11 application benchmark set, out of 300 problems, 256 problems contain XOR clauses. the number of XOR clauses found, when they are found, is on average 2905 with an average size of 4.2 literals. Using Gaussian elimination, counting only when something was extracted, the average number of literal equivalences (binary XORs) extracted is 130, while the number of unitary clauses extracted is 0.15.

Here is a typical example output:

c Reading file 'valves-gates-1-k617-unsat.shuffled-as.sat03-412.cnf.gz'
c -- header says num vars:         985042
c -- header says num clauses:     3113540
[.. after about 124K conflicts ..]
c XOR finding  Num XORs: 104091 avg size:  3.0 T: 2.11
c Cut XORs into 2185 block(s) sum vars: 180818 T: 0.11
c Extracted XOR info. Units: 0 Bins: 1275 0-depth-assigns: 0 T: 8.34

Here, about 104K XOR clauses were found (using a sophisticated algorithm) within 2.11s, all of size 3. These XOR clauses were subjected to disconnected component analysis (within the XOR sphere) and they were found to belong to 2185 components. It is important to cut XORs into groups, because Gaussian elimination is an O(n^{\approx 2.5}) algorithm and if we can reduce the n by having more than one matrix, the speed is significantly increased. Next, these 2185 matrices were Gauss-eliminated and were found to contain 1275 binary XOR clauses, which were quickly marked as equivalent literals.

To perform Gaussian elimination at top-level, CryptoMiniSat uses the excellent m4ri library, maintained by my old college and friend Martin Albrecht. It’s a lightweight yet extremely fast Gaussian elimination system using all sorts of nifty tricks to do its job. Unfortunately, for large matrices it can still take a long while as the algorithm itself is not cheap, so I have a cut-off for matrices that are too large.

What a future CryptoMiniSat 3.x could do

Once we have extracted the XORs, we could just as well keep them around during search and perform Gaussian elimination at levels below the top-level. This would bring us close to the old system in terms of real performance — native propagation (which would be unavailable) can only give a 1.5x-2x speedup, but Gaussian elimination at every level can give much more. I would need to clean up a lot of code and then, maybe, this would work. Maybe I’ll do this one day. Though, after spending weeks doing it, probably people will still believe it only does top-level. At least right now, it’s the case.


Implementing a new theory such as XOR deep into the guts of a SAT solver is neither easy nor does it provide a clear advantage in most situations. Those who push for these native theories have either not tried implementing them into a complicated solver such as lingeling/SatELite/CryptoMiniSat/clasp or have already bit the bullet such as the clasp group and I did, and it is probably limiting them in extending the system with new techniques. The resulting larger internal state leads to edge cases, exceptions, and much-much more code.

Handling disconnected components

In CryptoMiniSat 3.2 and above there is a disconnected component finding&solving system. This finds toplevel disconnected components regularly and solves them by launching an instance of the solver itself. If the component is unsatisfiable (UNSAT), the whole system is UNSAT and solving can be immediately aborted. If the component is satisfiable (SAT) the component’s solution is saved and later when printing the solution to the whole problem the component’s satisfying assignment is also printed.

Why deal with disconnected components?

Disconnected components in SAT instances are problematic because the search logic of the solver doesn’t effectively restrict its search to a single component at a time, making its strategy ineffective. Firstly, learnt clause cleaning and variable activity heuristics behave worse. Secondly, solutions to components are thrown away when the search restarts when another component’s solution is too difficult to find. Note that some solvers, e.g. Marijn Heule’s march, do restrict their search to one component at a time, though I personally don’t know of any other.

Disconnected components seem to be quite prevalent. In the SAT’11 competition‘s set of 300 Application instances, 53 contained disconnected components at top-level at the beginning of the search. On average the number of disconnected components for these 53 instances were 393(!). When doing top-level analysis on a regular basis during search, the number of problems containing disconnected components rises to 58 and the average number of components found decreases to 294.

Finding disconnected components

The algorithm I use to find disconnected components is relatively easy. It essentially performs the following: it initializes a set of datastructures that hold information about the found component(s) and then feeds each clause one-by-one to a function that creates new component(s) and/or merges existing components. The datastructures needed are:

  • Array ‘varToComp’ that indicates which variable is in which component. If a variable is in no component yet, it has special value MAX
  • A map of arrays ‘compToVar’ indexed by the component. For example, compToVar[10] points to the array of variables in component number 10
  • Variable ‘nextComp’, an ever-incrementing index indicating the maximum component number used
  • Variable ‘realComps’ indicating the actual number of components — some components counted by ‘nextComp’ may have been merged, and are now empty

The algorithm, in pseudo-python is:

nextComp = 0;
realComps = 0;
varToComp = [MAXVAR] * numVars();
compToVar = {};

for clause in clauses:

def handleClause(clause) :
  newComp = []
  compsToMerge = set();
  for lit in clause:
    var = lit.var();
    if varToComp[var] != MAX :
      comp = varToComp[var];

    #no components to merge, just put all of them into one component
    if len(compsToMerge) == 1 :
      comp = compsToMerge.pop();
      for var in newComp:
        varToComp[var] = comp

    #delete components to merge and put their variables into newComp
    for comp in compsToMerge:
      vars = compToVar[comp];
      for var in vars:

    #mark all variables in newComp belonging to 'nextComp'
    for var in newComp:
      varToComp[var] = nextComp;
    compToVar[nextComp] = newComp;

There are ways to make this algorithm faster. A trivial one is to remove the ‘set()’ and use an array initialized to 0 and mark components already seen. A fixed-sized array of the size of variables will do the job. Similarly, the use of ‘nextComp’ forces us to use a map for ‘compToVar’ which is slow — a smarter algorithm will use a round-robin system with an array of arrays. We can also avoid having too many small components at the beginning by calling the handleClause() function with the longer clauses first. It doesn’t give any guarantees, but in practice works quite well.

Finally, we need to add approximate time measurements so that we could exit early in case the algorithm takes too much time. According to my measurements, on the SAT’11 Application instances it took only 0.186s on average to find all components, and in only 34 cases out of 1186 did it take longer than the timeout — which was set to around 7s. At the same time, the maximum time ever spent on finding components was 7.8s. In other words, it is almost free to execute the algorithm.

Handling disconnected components

CryptoMiniSat handles found components in the following way. First, it counts the number of components found. If there is only one component it simply continues solving it. If there are more than one, it orders them according to the number of variables inside and picks the smallest one, solves it with a sub-solver, and checks it solution. If it’s UNSAT, it exits with UNSAT, otherwise it saves the solution for later and picks the next smallest component until there is only one left. When there is only one left, it continues its job with this, largest, component.

The sub-solver CryptoMiniSat launches is a bit special. First of all, it renumbers the variables so if variables 100..120 are in a component, the sub-solver will be launched with variables 0..20. This saves memory in the sub-solver but it means variables must be back-numbered when extracting solutions. Since the subsolvers themselves also internally re-number variables for further speedup, this can get a little bit complicated.

Further, if the sub-solver is handling an extremely small problem (<50 vars) most of its internal functionality is turned off to reduce build-up and tear-down speed. This is important, because in case there are 5000 components we need to go through, even a 0.01s build-up&tear-down time is unacceptable. Finding 5000 components, by the way, is not some wild imaginary number: it happens with the instance transport-[...]10packages-2008seed.040 from SAT'11. This instance actually contains ~5500 components at beginning of the search at toplevel, with an average of 8 variables each.


Let’s see an example output from CryptoMiniSat:

c Reading file 'traffic_3b_unknown.cnf.gz'
c -- clauses added: [..] 533919 irredundant 
c -- vars added      39151
c Found components: 23 BP: 8.85M time: 0.06 s
c large component     0 size:        833
c large component     1 size:       1071
c large component     2 size:       4879
c large component     4 size:        357
c large component     5 size:      14994
c large component     6 size:        476
c large component     7 size:        952
c large component     9 size:        952
c large component    10 size:        595
c large component    11 size:      10234
c large component    16 size:        476
c large component    17 size:        476
c large component    19 size:        476
c Not printed total small (<300 vars) components:10 vars: 2380

In total 23 components were found, the largest component containing 15K variables. The other 22 components contain 10K to as little as less-than 300 variables. Notice that finding the components was essentially free at 0.06s (on a i7-3612QM).

Another typical output is:

c Reading file 'transport-transport-city-sequential-25nodes-1000size-3degree-100mindistance-3trucks-10packages-2008seed.060-SAT.cnf.gz'
c -- clauses added [..] 3869060 irredundant
c -- vars added     723130
c Found component(s): 2779 BP: 253.02M time: 0.58 s
c large component  2778 size:     657548
c Not printed total small (<300 vars) components:2778 vars: 25002
c Coming back to original instance, solved 2778 component(s), 25002 vars T: 1.46

In this case there were 2.8K small disconnected components with (on average) 9 variables each within a problem that originally contained 723K variables and 3.9M clauses. The components were found in 0.58s and all but the largest were solved within 1.46s. This means that 2.8K CryptoMiniSat sub-solvers were launched, initialized, ran and destroyed within a span of 1.46s. The largest component with 658K variables is what's left to the solver to deal with. The rest have been removed and their solutions saved.


It's fun, useful, and relatively easy to find disconnected components in SAT problems. They appear at the beginning of the search for some problems, and for some more, during search. Although it is not a game-changer, it is a small drop of water in a cup that gets mostly filled with small drops anyway.

People doing problem modeling for a living are probably crying in horror and blame the modeler who created an instance with thousands of disconnected components. As someone who deals with CNFs though, I don't have the liberty of blaming anyone for their instances and have to deal with what comes my way.

CryptoMiniSat 3.3 released

This is just a short note that CryptoMiniSat 3.3 has been released. This is mainly a bugfix release. I have managed to make a fuzzer that simulates library usage of the system by interspersing the CNF with “c Solver::solve()” calls and then checking the intermediate solutions. Checking is either performed by verifying that all clauses are satisfied, or if the solution is UNSAT, by using a standard SAT solver (I use lingeling). This turned up a surprising number of bugs. I have also fixed the web-based statistics printing which should now work without a hitch.

The non-bugfix part of the release is that CryptoMiniSat now saves memory by dynamically shortening and reallocating the watchlist pointer array and some other data structures. This can save quite a bit of memory on large, sparse instances.

Clause glues are a mystery to me

Note: the work below has been done in collaboration with Vegard Nossum, but the wording and some of the (mis-)conculsions are mine. If you are interested, check out his master thesis, it’s quite incredible

Anyone who has ever tried to really understand clause glues in SAT solvers have probably wondered what they really mean. Their definition is simple: the number of variables in the final conflict clause that come from different decision levels. An explanation of these terms can be found here. On the surface, this sounds very simple and clean: the number of different decision levels should somehow be connected to the number of variables that need to be set before the learnt clause activates itself, i.e. it causes a propagation or a conflict. Unfortunately, this is just the surface, because if you try to draw 2-3 implication graphs, you will see that in fact the gap between the number of variables needed to be set (let’s call this ‘activation number’) and the glue can be virtually anything, making the glue a potentially bad indicator of the activation number.

The original reasoning

The original reasoning behind glues is the following: variables in the same decision level, called ‘blocks of variables’ have a chance to be linked together through direct dependencies, and these dependencies should be expressed somehow in order to reduce the number of decisions needed to reach a conflict (and thus ultimately reduce the search space). To me, this reasoning is less clear than the one above. In fact, there are about as many intuitions about glues as the number of people I have met.


With Vegard Nossum we have developed (in exactly one day) something quite fun. On the face of it, it’s just glucose 1.0, plain and simple. However, it has an option, “-track”, which does the following: whenever a learnt clause is about to cause a conflict, it jumps over this learnt clause, saves the state of the solver, and works on until the next conflict in order to measure the amount of work the SAT solver would have had to do if that particular learnt clause had not been there. Then, when the next clause wishes to cause a conflict, it records the amount of propagation and decisions between the original conflict and this new conflict, resets the state to the place saved, and continues on its journey as if nothing had happened. The fun part here is that the state is completely reset, meaning that the solver behaves exactly as glucose, but at the same time it records how much search that particular cause has saved. This is very advantageous because it doesn’t give some magical number like glue, but actually measures the usefulness of the given clause. Here is a typical output:

c This is glucose 1.0  with usefulness tracking by
c Vegard Nossum and Mate Soos. Based on glucose, which
c is in run based on MiniSat, Many thanks to all teams
c ============================[ Problem Statistics ]=============================
c |                                                                             |
c |  Number of variables:  138309                                               |
c |  Number of clauses:    942285                                               |
c |  Parsing time:         0.28         s                                       |
============================[ Search Statistics ]==============================
| Conflicts |          ORIGINAL         |          LEARNT          | Progress |
|           |    Vars  Clauses Literals |    Limit  Clauses Lit/Cl |          |
|         0 |  138309   942285  2636352 |   314095        0   -nan |  0.000 % |
|       620 |  138074   942285  2636352 |   314095      615     82 |  1.559 % |
|       919 |  135307   925938  2596895 |   314095      906     75 |  3.908 % |
|      2714 |  130594   894562  2518954 |   314095     2664     67 |  6.799 % |
|      2814 |  130593   894562  2518954 |   314095     2763     69 |  6.808 % |
|      2930 |  130592   894562  2518954 |   314095     2879     70 |  6.808 % |
|      4042 |  127772   874934  2471045 |   314095     3974     69 |  9.292 % |
|      4142 |  127772   874934  2471045 |   314095     4074     70 |  9.292 % |
c Cleaning clauses (clean number 0). Current Clause usefulness stats:
INSERT INTO data(cleanno, idx, size, glue, conflicts, props, bogoprops, decisions) VALUES(0 , 961074 , 107 , 5 , 42 , 185509 , 1301341 , 0);
INSERT INTO data(cleanno, idx, size, glue, conflicts, props, bogoprops, decisions) VALUES(0 , 944729 , 14 , 1 , 7 , 36865 , 268229 , 0);
INSERT INTO data(cleanno, idx, size, glue, conflicts, props, bogoprops, decisions) VALUES(0 , 948275 , 7 , 1 , 15 , 27909 , 220837 , 0);
INSERT INTO data(cleanno, idx, size, glue, conflicts, props, bogoprops, decisions) VALUES(0 , 953762 , 102 , 2 , 2 , 29365 , 197410 , 0);
c End of this round of database cleaning
|     38778 |  110896   758105  2182915 |   314095    28270     93 | 20.167 % |
|     39488 |  110894   758105  2182915 |   314095    28978     93 | 20.185 % |
c Cleaning clauses (clean number 1). Current Clause usefulness stats:
INSERT INTO data(cleanno, idx, size, glue, conflicts, props, bogoprops, decisions) VALUES(1 , 979236 , 71 , 1 , 8 , 45531 , 280156 , 0);
INSERT INTO data(cleanno, idx, size, glue, conflicts, props, bogoprops, decisions) VALUES(1 , 954908 , 2 , 2 , 7 , 0 , 232760 , 0);

The output is in SQL format for easy SQL import. The “size” is the clause size, “glue” is the glue number, “conflicts” is the number of times the clause caused a conflict, “props” is the number of propagations gained by having that clause (i.e. by doing the conflict early), “bogoprops” is an approximation of the amount of time gained based on the number of watchlists and the type of clauses visited during propagation, and “decisions” is the number of decisions gained. The list is sorted according to “bogoprops”, though once the output is imported to MySQL, many sortings are possible. You might notice that the ‘glue’ is 1 for some clauses (e.g. on the second output line) — these are clauses that have caused a propagation at decision level 0, so they will eventually be removed through clause-cleaning, since they are satisfied. Notice that high up, there are some relatively large clauses (of size 102 for example) with glue 2, that gain quite a lot in terms of time of search. The gained conflicts/propagations/etc. are all cleared after every clause-cleaning, though since clauses are uniquely indexed (‘idx’), they can be accumulated in all sorts of ways.

The program is 2-5x slower than normal glucose, but considering that it has to save an extreme amount of state due to the watchlists being so difficult to handle and clauses changing all the time, I think it does the job quite well — as a research tool it’s certainly quite usable. In case you wish to download it, it’s up in GIT here, and you can download a source tarball here. To build, issue “cmake .” and “make”. Note that the tool only measures the amount of search saved by having the clause around when it tries to conflict. It does not measure the usefulness of the propagations that a learnt clause makes. Also, it doesn’t measure the other side of the coin: the (potentially better) conflict generated by using this clause instead of the other one. In other words, it gives a one-sided view (no measure of help through propagation) of a one-sided view (doesn’t measure the quality of difference between the conflict clauses generated). Oh well, it was a one-day hack.


I have made very few experiments with glucosetrack, but you might be interested in the following result. I have taken UTI-20-10p0, ran it until completion, imported the output into MySQL, and executed the following two queries. The first one:

SELECT glue, AVG(props), FROM data
WHERE glue >= 2 AND size >= 2

calculates the average number of saved propagations between each round of cleaning for clauses of glue >= 2 (i.e. clauses that didn’t eventually cause a propagation at decision level 0), and of size >= 2, because unitary clauses are of no interest. The second is very similar:

SELECT size, AVG(props), FROM data
WHERE glue >= 2 AND size >= 2

which calculates the same as above, but for size.

Some explanation is in order here regarding why I didn’t count SUM(), and instead opted for AVG(). In fact I personally did make graphs for SUM(), but Vegard corrected me: there is in fact no point in doing that. If I came up with a new glue calculation function that gave an output of ‘1’ for every clause, then the SUM for that function would look perfect: every clause would be in the same bracket, saving a lot of propagations, but that would not help me make a choice of which clauses to throw out. But the point of glues is exactly that: to help me decide which clauses to throw out. So what we really want is a usefulness metric that tells me that if I keep clauses in that bracket, how much do I gain per clause. The AVG() gives me that.

Here goes the AVG() graph for the last clause cleaning (clause cleaning iteration 33):

Notice that the y axis is in logscale. In case you are interested in a larger graph, here it is. The graph for clause cleaning iteration 22 is:

(Iteration 11 has high fluctuations due to less data, but for the interested, here it is). I think it’s visible that glues are good distinguishers. The graph for glues drops down early and stays low. For sizes, the graph is harder to read. Strangely, short clauses are not that good, and longer clauses are better on average. If I had to make a choice about which clauses to keep based on the size graph, it would be a hard choice to make: I would be having trouble selecting a group that is clearly better than the rest. There are no odd-one-out groups. On the other hand, it’s easier to characterise which clauses are good to have in terms of glues: take the low glue ones, preferably below 10, though we can skip the very low ones if we are really picky. An interesting side-effect of the inverse inclination of the size and glue graphs and the fact that “glue<=size” is that maybe we could choose better clauses to keep if we go for larger clauses that have a low glue.


Unfortunately, there are no real conclusions to this post. I guess running glucosetrack for far more than just one example, and somehow also making it measure the difference between the final conflict clauses’ effectiveness would help to write some partially useful conclusion. Vegard and me have tried to put some time and effort into this, but to not much avail I am afraid.

PS: Notice that glucosetrack allows you to generate many of the graphs here using the right SQL query.

CryptoMiniSat 3.2.0 released

CyptoMinSat 3.2.0 has been released. This code should be extremely stable and should contain no bugs. In case it does, CryptoMiniSat will fail quite bady at the competition. I have fuzzed the solver for about 2-3000 CPU hours, with some sophisticated fuzzers (all available here — most of them not mine) so all should be fine, but fingers are crossed.

Additions and fixes

The main addition this time is certification proofs for UNSAT through the use of DRUP. This allows for use of the solver where certainty of the UNSAT result is a necessity — e.g. where lives could potentially depend on it. Unfortunately, proof checking is relatively slow through any system, though DRUP seems to be the best and fastest method. Other than the implementation of DRUP, I have fixed some issues with variable replacement.

SAT Competition’13

The description of the solver sent in to the SAT Competition’13 is available from the subfolder “desc” of the tarball. The code of 3.2.0 is actually the same that will run during the competition, the only changes made were:

  • the DRUP output had to be put into the standard output
  • the line “o proof DRUP” had to be printed
  • certified UNSAT binary uses the “–unsat 1” option by default
  • compilation was changed to use the m4ri library that was included with the tarball
  • linking is static so m4ri and other requirements don’t cause trouble
  • boost minimum version had to be lowered

You can download my submissions to the competition, forl, from here and here.