Category Archives: SAT

Failed literal probing and UIP

I have just realised that CryptoMiniSat, having won a number of medals, does one of the most basic things, failed literal probing, all wrong. Let me tell you why it’s all wrong. In essence, failed literal probing is trivial. We enqueue a fact, such as a, and then propagate it. If this fails, i.e. if two opposing facts such as g and -g are derived, we know that a cannot be true, so we set -a. Easy. Or maybe not so easy.

The devil is in the details, so let’s see how we derived both g and -g from a. Let’s assume that we have the following set of binary clauses:
-a V b
-b V c
-b V d
-d V e
-d V f
-e V g
-f V -g

which, from the point of view of a is best described as the graph:

Propagating "a", deriving both "g" and "-g"

The problem is, that if we only derive -a from this graph, we end up with only that one literal set, because -a doesn’t propagate anything on the clauses. This is quite sad, because, in fact, we could derive something stronger. From the graph it is evident that setting d would have failed: the graph would simply have its upper part cut away completely, but the lower part, including the derivation of both g and -g would still stand:

Deriving both "g" and "-g" from "d"

What is special about node d? Well, it’s where the 1st UIP, the first unique implication point, lies. And it is quite simple to see that -d is in fact the strongest thing we can derive from this graph. It’s much stronger than simply -a, because setting -d propagates on the clauses, giving -b,-a, setting three variables instead of one, including -a. An interesting observation is the following: deriving -b is the 2nd UIP, and deriving -a is the last UIP. In other words, at least in this most simple case, 1st UIP is in fact the strongest, and 2nd, 3rd.. last UIP are less strong in strict order.

Let me remark on one more thing about failed literal probing. Once failed literal probing has been done on literal x and it visited the node set N, there is no need to try to do failed literal probing on any nodes in N, since they cannot possibly fail. Although the failing of a literal can have consequences on the failing of other literals, if we ignore this side-effect, we could speed up failed literal probing by marking literals already visited, and only carrying out failed literal probing on ones that haven’t been marked. This is really trivial, but I haven’t been using it :S

I am quite sure that some advanced SAT solvers (such as lingeling) do all of the above things right. It’s probably only CryptoMiniSat that fails miserably :)

Note: there is a subtle bug with marking literals visited as “OK”. If two different subgraphs could fail, but we abort on the first one, then we might mark a literal OK when in fact it isn’t. It is therefore easiest not to mark any literals if the probe failed (which is very rare).

Note to self: higher level autarkies

While reading this thesis, I have had a thought about autarkies. Let me first define what an autarky in SAT solving is:

A partial assignment phi is called a weak autarky for F if “phi*F is a subset of F” holds, while phi is an autarky for F if phi is a weak autarky for all sub-clause-sets F' of F. (Handbook of Satisfiability, p. 355)

What does this mean? Well, it means that in the clause-set {x V y, x} the assignment y=False is a weak autarky, because assigning y to False will lead to a clause that is already in the clause set (the clause x), while the assignment of x=True is a (normal) autarky, because it will satisfy all clauses that x is in. The point of autarkies is that we can remove clauses from the clause set by assigning values to a set of variables, while not changing the (un)satisfiability property of the original problem. In other words, autarkies are a cheap way of reducing the problem size. The only problem is that it seems to be relatively expensive to search for them, so conflict-driven SAT solvers don’t normally search for them (but, some lookahead solvers such as march by Marijn Heule do).

So, what is the idea? Well, I think we can have autarkies for equivalent literals, too. Here is an example CNF:

 a V d V -f
-b V d V -f
-a V e
 b V e

setting a = -b will not change the satisfiability of the problem.

We can add any number of clause pairs of the form X V Y where Y is any set of literals not in {a, -a, b, -b}, and X is (-)a in clause 1 and (-)b in clause 2. Further, one of the two variables, say, a can be in any clauses at will (in any literal form), though variable b can then only be in clauses defined by the clause pairs. Example:

 a V  d V -f
-b V  d V -f
-a V  e
 b V  e
 a V  c V -h
 a V -f

An extension that is pretty simple from here, is that we can even have clauses whose Y part is somewhat different: some literals can be missing, though again in a controlled way. For example:

 a V d
-b V d V -f
-a V e
 b V e

is possible. It would restrict b a bit more than necessary, but if a is the only one of the pairs missing literals, we are still OK I believe.

Finally, let me give an example of what these higher-level autarkies are capable of. Let’s assume we have the clause set:

 a V  d
-b V  d V -f
-a V  e
 b V  e
 a V  c V -h
 a V -f
 a V  b V  f V -g

setting a=-b now simplifies this to:

 a V  d
-a V  e
 a V  c V -h
 a V -f

which is equisatisfiable to the first one. Further, if the latter is satisfiable, computing the satisfying solution to the former given a solution to the latter is trivial.

Learnt clause graphs

“Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”

In my last post, I talked a little bit about learnt clause size distributions (histograms, really), and after a long chat with Vegard Nossum, we came up with some nice 3D graphs of learnt clause size distributions et al. It’s basically a lot of brainstorming that is quite entertaining I think. First of all, instead of waiting for Godot (i.e. someone to tell me that is has been done already), we got down an dirty with time-sliced histograms, so we can see how a specific problem gets solved. Again, I won’t go into much analysis, as I think it’s quite detrimental to novel ways of interpretation, instead, I will simply display the graphs. All simplification algorithms have been switched off for these graphs, though interestingly, they look pretty similar even if simplifications are turned on. Before we start, let me note that all tools to generate these simply and easily will be available in CryptoMS-2.9.2 (and are already available from the git repository of course — nothing I do on CMS is secret)


Let’s first start with the Grain cipher — we have seen it before and it had quite a peculiar shape. The learnt clause size distribution for this cipher is the following:

The Z axis contains the slices– one slice is 3’000 conflicts, and time flows from the back to the front (we didn’t solve the instance).The Y axis is number of clauses, and X axis is the size of the clause. Notice the bump around clause size ~130. An interesting graph would now be to compare this with glues of these clauses… so it goes:

Pretty similar, actually, except that the bump is around 110. Now, this bump could be fully useless. Or the holy grail. We don’t know… until we see some graphs ;) The graph for propagations caused by learnt clauses of specific sizes is the following:

The Z axis here is a bit different: it accumulates 3’000 propagations caused by learnt clauses, and then generates a slice. That’s the reason there are 600 of them in contrast to the one above, where there are 33 (for ~100’000 conflicts). Notice that most of the propagations are caused by small clauses. The same for glues:

Now the number of conflicts caused by learnt clauses of specific sizes:

Notice the slight colourchange on this graph at around 130 — compared to the previous 2 graphs, conflicts are done by a relatively good number of longer clauses, too. Let’s do the same with glues now:

Colourchange (and a bit visible bump, too) at around 110. Actually, it might be best to put the Y axis into logscale… next time.


Now that we have gone through Grain, let’s try another problem. For example the ACG-20-10p0 problem from SAT Comp’09. The clause size distributions are now:

And the same for glues:

And the propagations according to their size:

Notice that the number of slices is quite large. Now the conflicts caused by learnt clauses, according to their size:

Notice that compared to the previous graph, the distribution is shifted a lot more towards longer clauses, similarly to the Grain example. Also notice that there were 25 slices in total, and 12 slices’ worth of conflicts were caused by learnt clauses — in other words, about 50% of all conflicts are caused by learnt clauses. I was aware of this behaviour because CryptoMS 1.0 had a statistical interface, where this was quite obvious to see — unfortunately, that statistical interface is gone now, but may be back in one form or another in CryptoMS 3.0.0. For Grain, we had 33 slices, and 8 slices’ worth were caused by learnt clauses, which is not 50% but still pretty high, considering that the number of learnt clauses is usually far less than the number of original clauses.

A lot of thanks go to Vegard Nossum for all of this. He was the one who inquired about producing these using the new CryptoMiniSat, and once I put the ~5 lines of code into the solver and wrote a hackish awk script, he wrote the perl script to parse the data up, and showed me the beautiful results. I just couldn’t wait to share them with you :)

Fun facts about SAT solving (part 1)

Last time I gave a talk, I got some quite deserved fire about the way I approach SAT solving: in a more practical than scientific way. So, to give some food for thought for those who wish to approach SAT from a more scientific viewpoint, and to demonstrate to what lengths I have gone to give (at least to myself) a scientific viewpoint, let me talk a little bit about a fun fact that I have found. The fun fact, as is quite usual for SAT, seems entirely trivial, even banal, but has somehow (so far) eluded proper explanation for me. Maybe you will be the one to give the right explanation :)

So, I generate a Grain cipher instance using, e.g. the Grain-of-Salt tool that I developed. If you don’t want to generate these yourself, there are a couple (multi-hundred thousand) pre-generated such problems you can download from here. I launch MiniSat 2.1 “core”(i.e. the most simple version) on these problems with a little twist: I write to a file the length of each generated learnt clause. Now, there are two kinds of CNF files I use: one that has 60 randomly picked randomly set state variables, and another one that is plain, and doesn’t have any variables set. Obviously, the CNF that has variables set should be easier to solve, and if Grain is a proper cipher, it should be about 2^60 easer to solve. Now, I print the average learnt clause length that I observe for the CNF that has 0 variables set, and I get this graph:

I am sure one could sing long and elaborate songs about this graph, but instead, I will just say: it has a strange curvy thing at around clause length 120. Now, I will generate a similar graph, but this time, I will use a CNF that has 60 state (i.e. important) variables set. Note that this should indeed be 2^60 times easier to solve (since Grain is a nice cipher, and my CNF generation abilities aren’t that poor). So the same graph for this CNF looks like this:

All right. This one, as I am sure you have noticed, has a curvy thing at around 60. Using elementary math, 120-60 = 60. Right, so one could reason: well, there were X unknowns, I have set 60 of them, now there are only X-60 left, so the average clause length should be 60 less! That I think doesn’t explain much, if anything, however. First off, the number of unknowns were in fact 160 — that’s the unknown state of Grain that we were trying to solve. Second, the learnt clauses don’t only contain state variables… in fact, a lot of variables they contain are not state variables at all! Furthermore, why should the 1st UIP scheme be so exact about clause sizes? After all, it’s just a graph-analysis algorithm working at the local conflict — it has no clue about the problem it is working with, much less about the number of state bits set in our instance of Grain.

One could say that this is just a dumb example, and it has no real meaning. Maybe I just stumbled upon it, after all, 120/2 = 60, etc. However, this doesn’t seem to be the case. I can, in fact, reproduce this for a lot of X’s for any of the following ciphers: Grain, Trivium, Bivium, HiTag2 and Crypto-1. Let me show one from HiTag2. Again, we are solving for the state, and we don’t set any state bits (i.e. this is the full HiTag2 problem):

Okay, there is a bumpy thing at around 23. Now, let’s set 10 randomly picked state variables to random values, and run the example again:

There seems to be a bumpy thing at around 13. 23-10 = 13. That’s about right.

By the way, I have stumbled upon the above fun fact about 2 years ago (well before CryptoMiniSat was born), when working on my diploma thesis — these graphs are actually taken verbatim from my thesis. I have worked a lot on SAT in the past 2 years, but this has been haunting me ever since. Maybe someone could explain it to me?

PS: Does anyone know if someone has done an in-depth analysis of learnt clause length distributions, maybe even three-dimensional, showing the time on the Z axis? It would be awesome to do that, if it hasn’t been done yet!

CryptoMiniSat won two gold medals at SAT Comp’11

(Note: the judges made a small mistake, and CryptoMiniSat only won 1 gold and 1 silver medal. Details below.)

CryptoMiniSat‘s SAT Competition’11 version, “Strange Night” won two gold medals at the competition: one shared with lingeling at the parallel SAT+UNSAT Applications track, and one at the parallel UNSAT Applications track. This is a great result, and I would like to thank everyone who helped me and the solver achieve this result: my fiancée, my current employer, Security Research Labs and Karsten Nohl in particular, who started the whole CryptoMiniSat saga, my former employer, INRIA Rhone-Alpes and in particular Claude Castelluccia, and finally, all the kind people at the development mailing list. Without the help of all these people, CryptoMiniSat would probably never exist in the first place, much less win such distinguished awards.

The competition was very though this year, and so it is particularly good that we have managed to win two gold medals. The most gold medals were won by the portifolio solver ppfolio, winning 5 gold medals — all other solvers won at most 2 gold medals. CryptoMiniSat did very well in the parallel applications track, basically winning all gold medals that ppfolio didn’t win — and ppfolio was using an older version of CryptoMiniSat as one of its internal engines, essentially making CryptoMiniSat compete with itself (and other strong solvers such as lingeling and clasp). Unfortunately, CryptoMiniSat didn’t win any awards at the sequential applications track, as most awards there were won by very new solvers such as Glucose ver 2 and GlueMiniSat. The source code and PDF description of these solvers are not yet available, but they will be shortly at the SAT Competition website.

Overall, I think CryptoMiniSat did very well, considering that I was not very optimistic given the fact that I didn’t manage to finish the new generation (3.x) of the solver, and had to submit a variant of the very old CryptoMiniSat 2.7.0. Furthermore, in the past year I have been concentrating on ideas external to the clause learning of SAT solvers, and it seems that the best way to speed up SAT solvers is to attack the core of the solver: the learning engine. So, this year will be about cleaning up all the external ideas and implementing new ones into the core of the solver.

Once again, thanks to everyone who helped CryptoMiniSat get such high rankings, and I am looking forward to the next year for a similarly good competition!

Edited to add (29/06):  The judges just informed me that they made a mistake, and the originally presented results were erroneous. CryptoMiniSat won 1 gold and 1 siver, as lingeling was faster by about 7% in speed in the parallel SAT+UNSAT track. Congratulations to Armin Biere for winning this track!