Category Archives: Development

CryptoMiniSat 5.6.3 Released

The latest CryptoMiniSat, version 5.6.3 has been released. This release marks the 12’000th commit to this solver that has weathered more than I originally intended it to weather. It’s been an interesting ride, and I have a lot to thank Kuldeep and NSCC‘s ASPIRE-1 cluster for this release. I have burned over 200k CPU hours to make this release, so it’s a pretty well-performing release (out-performing anything out there, by a wide margin), though I’m working very hard to make sure that neither I nor anyone else will have to burn anything close to that to make a well-performing SAT solver.

The solver has some interesting new algorithms inside, the most interesting of which is Gauss-Jordan elimination using a Simplex-like method, generously contributed by Jie-Hong Roland Jiang and Cheng-Shen Han from the National Taiwan University. This addition should finally settle the issues regarding Gaussian vs Gauss-Jordan elimination in SAT solvers. Note that to use this novel system, you must configure with “cmake -DUSE_GAUSS=ON ..” and then re-compile.

What’s also interesting is what’s not inside, though. I have been reading (maybe too much) Nassim Taleb and he is very much into via negativa. So I tried removing algorithms that have been in the solver for a while and mostly nobody would question if they are useful. In the end I removed the following algorithms from running by default, each removal leading to better solving time:

  • Regular probing. Intree probing is significantly better, so regular probing is not needed. Thanks Matti/Marijn/Armin!
  • Stamping. This was a big surprise, especially because I also had to remove caching, which is my own, crappy (“different”) version of stamping. I knew that it wasn’t always so good to have, but damn. It was a hard call, but if it’s just slowing it down, what can I do. It’s weird.
  • Burst searching. This is when I search for a short period with high randomness all over the search space. I thought it would allow me to explore the search space in places where VSIDS/Maple doesn’t. Why this is slowing the solver down so much may say more about search heuristics/variable bumping/clause bumping than anything.
  • Note that I never had blocked clause elimination. It doesn’t work well for incremental solving. In fact, it doesn’t work at all, though apparently the authors have some new work that allows it to work, super-interesting!

I’m nowadays committed to understanding this damned thing rather than adding another impossible-to-explain magic constant  to make the solving 10% faster. I think there is interesting stuff out there that could be done to make SAT solvers 10x, not 10%, faster.

Testing CryptoMiniSat using GoogleTest

Lately, I have been working quite hard on writing module tests for CryptoMinisat using GoogleTest. I’d like to share what I’ve learnt and what surprised me most about this exercise.

An example

First of all, let me show how a typical test looks like:

TEST_F(intree, fail_1)
    s->add_clause_outer(str_to_cl(" 1,  2"));
    s->add_clause_outer(str_to_cl("-2,  3"));
    s->add_clause_outer(str_to_cl("-2, -3"));

    check_zero_assigned_lits_contains(s, "-2");

Here we are checking that intree probing finds that the set of three binary clauses cause a failure and it enqueues “-2” at top level. If one looks at it, it’s a fairly trivial test. It turns out that most are in fact, fairly trivial if the system is set up well. This test’s setup is the following test fixture:

struct intree : public ::testing::Test {
        must_inter = false;
        s = new Solver(NULL, &must_inter);
        inp = s->intree;
        delete s;

    Solver* s;
    InTree* inp;
    bool must_inter;

Continue reading Testing CryptoMiniSat using GoogleTest

Machine Learning and SAT

I have lately been digging myself into a deep hole with machine learning. While doing that it occurred to me that the SAT community has essentially been trying to imitate some of ML in a somewhat poor way. Let me explain.

CryptoMiniSat and clause cleaning strategy selection

When CryptoMiniSat won the SAT Race of 2010, it was in large part because I realized that glucose at the time was essentially unable to solve cryptographic problems. I devised a system where I could detect which problems were cryptographic. It checked the activity stability of variables and if they were more stable than a threshold, it was decided that the problem was cryptographic. Cryptographic problems were then solved using a geometric restart strategy with clause activities for learnt database cleaning. Without this hack, it would have been impossible to win the competition.
Continue reading Machine Learning and SAT

The past half year of SAT and SMT

It’s been a while I have blogged. Lots of things happened on the way, I met people, changed countries, jobs, etc. In the meanwhile, I have been trying to bite the bullet of what has become of CryptoMiniSat: last year, it didn’t perform too well in the SAT competition. In the past half year I have tried to fix the underlying issues. Let me try to explain what and how exactly.

Validation and cleanup

First, in the past years I ‘innovated’ a lot in directions that were simply not validated. For example, I have systems to cleanly exit the solver after N seconds have passed, but the checks were done by calling a Linux kernel function, which is actually not so cheap. It turned out that calling it took 3-5% of the time, and it was essentially doing nothing. Similar code was all over the place. I was (and still am, in certain builds) collecting massive amounts of solving data. It turns out, collecting them means not having enough registers left to do the real thing so the ASM code was horrific and so was performance. The list could go on. In the end, I had to weed out the majority of the stuff that was added as an experiment without proper validation.

Other solvers

Second, I started looking at other solvers. In particular, the swdia5by solver by Chanseok Oh. It’s a very-very weird solver and it performed exceedingly well. I’m sure it’s on the mind of many solver implementers, and for a good reason. As a personal note, I like the webpage of the author a lot. I think what s/he forgets is that MiniSat is not so well-used because it’s so well-performing. Glucose is better. It’s used because it’s relatively good and extremely well-written. However, the patches on the author’s website are anything but well-written.

The cloud

Finally, I worked a lot on making the system work on AWS, the cloud computing framework by Amazon. Since I don’t have access to clusters like my competitors do, I need to resort to AWS. It’s not _that_ expensive, a full SATComp’14 run sets me back about $5-6. I used spot instances and a somewhat simple, 1000-line python framework for farming out computation to client nodes.<


All in all, I’m happy to say, CryptoMiniSat is no longer as bad as it was last year. There are still some problems around and a lot of fine-tuning needed, but things are looking brighter. I have been thinking lately of trying to release some of the tools I developed for CryptoMiniSat for general use. For example, I have a pretty elaborate fuzz framework that could fuzz any solver using the new SAT library header system. Also, the AWS system could be of use to people. I’ll see.

Faster cleaning of the learnt clause database

In SAT solvers, removing unneeded learnt clauses from the clause database sounds like a trivial task: we somehow determine which clauses are not needed and we call remove() on them. However, in case performance is an issue, it can get a bit more more complicated.

The problem

The issue at hand is that clauses are stored in two places: as a list of pointers to the clauses and in a list of lists called the watchlist. Removing clauses from either list can be an O(n^2) operation if we e.g. remove every element from the list, one by one. In fact, an old version of the most popular SAT solver, MiniSat2, used to do exactly this:

sort(learnts, reduceDB_lt());
for (i = j = 0; i < learnts.size() / 2; i++){ if (learnts[i]->size() > 2 && !locked(*learnts[i]))
        learnts[j++] = learnts[i];

Here, removeClause() is called on each clause individually, where removeClause() eventually calls remove() twice, where remove() is a linear operation:

static inline void remove(V& ts, const T& t)
    int j = 0;
    for (; j < (int)ts.size() && ts[j] != t; j++);
    assert(j < (int)ts.size());
    for (; j < (int)ts.size()-1; j++) ts[j] = ts[j+1];

It is clear that if the number of learnt clauses removed is a significant percent of all clauses (which it is after some runtime), this is an O(n^2) operation.

My original solution

My original solution to this problem was the following. First, I did a sweep on the watchlist and detached all learnt clauses. This is an O(n) operation. Then, I ran the algorithm above, without the removeClause(). Finally, I attached the remaining learnt clauses: again an O(n) operation. This solution is significantly faster than the MiniSat one as its worst-case runtime is only O(n). The improvement is measurable — worst-case cleaning times dropped from seconds to tenths of seconds. However, it can be further improved.

The improved solution

The improvement that came to my mind just yesterday was the following. I can keep a one bit marker in each learnt clause that indicates whether the clause needs to be detached or not. Then, I can run the algorithm as above but replace removeClause() with markclause() and run through the watchlists once to remove (and free) the marked clauses. This works really well and it only necessitates one sweep of the watchlists, without any useless detach+reattach cycles.

The newer GitHub version of MiniSat also marks the clauses instead of detaching them immediately and then removes them in one sweep, later. Interestingly, it keeps a list of ‘dirty’ occurrence lists and only goes through the ones that need removal. I find that a bit strange for this specific purpose: usually almost all watchlists are affected. In other cases, though, keeping dirty lists in mind can be a good idea, e.g. if only few clauses are removed for some optimization step.